Omuntu Podcast

Omuntu Podcast Episode 7 - Sachin "Social Butterfly"

phillip Season 1 Episode 7

All that Glitters isn't gold and brawling with your demons is a solitary endeavour that I promise you will not leave unscathed, let alone triumph over them and go on to aid others in their battles.

In this weeks episode we hear from Sachin, whom I gave the title 'social butterfly' for when it comes to engaging with strangers he is one of the few who has it down to an art and if you was to let society tell it, he is the last person whom you would think would be struggling with mental health as his energy has just always "seemed" larger than life.

But he takes us down the rabbit whole to the dark places his mind went and how he was able to pull himself back out and how he is keeping himself out, not without help might i add! Sachin talks about the relationships he has with some of the people who have been a positive impact on his journey of 'coming out the other side......